
True Mother to the Nations
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About Dr. Mary Campilii

Dr Mary Campilii left her Profession as doctor for her vocation ( calling) as a doctor of Divinity. She is being used across all 6 continents as a long distance miracle healer. She has witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit to resurrect the dead, heal incurable diseases and push back floods, bring rain to drought disasters,etc. She devoted the remainder of the days that Jesus gives her on earth to : FOREIGN MISSION FIELDS WHERE CHRISTIAN POPULATIONS TOTAL LESS THAN 3 %.

This commitment to the foreign fields required her " selling out" everything including her farm, livestock., house and vehicle. Relinquishing all her ties to America, Known as " True Mother to the Nations" because of her true love for the human race. She is V.President of accredited Bible College " Upper City Council".

Author of a book series " HOW TO LIVE ON EARTH AS IF IN Heaven" Founder of a Non Profit Organized for widows & orphans called "Joshua's Home Inc " and NPO [ of category " Free Church"]& name, " Missionaries Eternally Corps " which God miraculously grew until it comprises an army unit of some 90 Apostles, 45 Bishops, 4 Archbishops, 50 NPO'S & thousands of Pastors & Evangelists. Anointed for a time such as this, Dr.Mary Campilii moves Pastors into the Apostolic with miracle signs & wonders working through them to advance the Kingdom of God on Earth.