JESUS SAID BELIEVERS WHO DID NOT SEE HIM ARE BLESSED BEYOND THE DISCIPLES WHO DID SEE HIM. No one ,not even the disciples ,knew the SCRIPTURE ( Jesus is the scripture & even told them verbally face to face that He had to die& rise again). Yet they did not believe until they saw the EMPTY GRAVE THAT RESURRECT SUNDAY!
Beginning in verse 20: The book of John ‘s account of that Resurrection Sunday Faithful Mary came to the sepulchre while it was still dark that Sunday🌄morning. She only SAW the🪨stone rolled away & ran to tell the disciples ( not knowing the scriptures) that they have taken away the Lord from the sepulchre & we don’t know where they have LAID Him! Peter & the disciples whom Jesus loved ran together. The other outran Peter but SEEING THE LINEN CLOTHES ,did not go in! He waited for Peter to go in FIRST. Peter saw the linen that wrapped Jesus head was folded ( meaning,I shall return!)& lying separate from the body linens.
Jn 20:8 ” Then he SAW & BELIEVED’ The disciples went home. Mary ,out of devoted love (but NOT KNOWING YET THE SCRIPTURES…like Catholics & some others) remained crying outside the tomb. Stooping down to look in,she saw 3 angels& told them she was crying because she did NOT KNOW where they took her Lord’s body to! When she turned around,she saw Jesus as the gardener & asked where he laid the body so she could take it away. Jesus said ” Mary”. Now,she recognized her ” Rabboni” ” Master”. He did not let her touch Him because ” I am not yet ascended “. But she was to tell the disciples ” I ascend”.
That Sunday evening,He stood in midst of the fear filled disciples saying “”PEACE BE UNTO YOU.” When He said : “I send you out as Father sent me”, He breathed on them saying ” Receive the Holy Ghost. Whosoever sins you remind,they are remitted & whose sins you retain,they are retained” ( remember, forgiving sins was the last straw for the Pharasees. They considered it the crime of blasphemy worthy of death!“) Thomas was not there & refused to BELIEVE they saw the Lord until he put his hand in the nail
hole & side of Jesus. Right days later, Jesus gave doubting Thomas the chance to SEE ,BELIEVE& have FAITH Imagine : JESUS counts us greater than the disciples He gave permission to forgive sins & sent out
equally as He was sent by Father!
✝️✝️✝️The power of the cross✝️✝️✝️
don’t ever forget that Paul when he went from Athens to Corinth after speaking with the Greek philosophers,he determined to know nothing except Christ crucified. yet $25, 000 were saved
! Paul said I was with you in weakness and much trembling not with the world’s wisdom but in demonstration of power of God. Faith should stand on the cross not on the wisdom of man 1
Corinthians 17 Christ is preached not with wisdom of words lest the Cross of Christ become non-effect. Preaching the cross to whom are perishing is foolishness.
Preaching the cross to whom are saved is the power of God verse 18 the more educated and the more person has of the world the less they know Jesus and the power of God . Verse 20 but God has made foolish the wisdom of the world. Jews require a sign. Greek require wisdom and knowledge. But to us
who are saved by spirit and Power. Adoration of the cross celebrate the victory of calvary. Why because the cross released me from punishment guilt judgment sin death and the cross gave me an inheritance. I could not be accepted as an adopted child of God through my own righteousness. When you are seeing the cross you are seeing Grace. You are not seeking to try harder but your yielded. You’re at the end of your own strength of doing.
All of you who labor and our heavy burden for I will give you rest. If The preachers of today are preaching with words of wisdom, the Bible says they are making the cross of none affect. I will destroy the knowledge of the wise. We preach Christ crucified. No flesh shall glory in his presence. The cross signifies
death and everything the cross accomplishes in US. Cross signifies one perfect all sufficient sacrifice. Hebrews 10:11 the work of cavalry. Where the priests have to stand always offering, Jesus sat down on the right hand of the father. Isaiah 53:6 for all or astray, all iniquity (which is rebellion) was laid on the Lord. All of the evil do to us came on the Lord, God’s only song.
If someone kills your only son you have three choices the first being, take vengeance and kill back. The second being throw the law (O.T)at them and seek Justice. Finally you can forgive as our father forgave us. God went beyond forgiveness and adopted us and gave us the place of the inheritance of his only son!
If You Were A king. That is coming back From A war victory What would you want to Arrive Into Your capital In ? The vehicle you ride in on demonstrates your character. Would your procession be in a:
- Chariot driven by a mighty white stallion warhorse
- Armored car
- Air Force Helicopter
- A donkey
Zachariah. 99. Says. Your king Is coming to you Humble and mounted on a donkey. A colt. The fo of a donkey. A donkey’s Character Is. ;
*Carries heavy burdens.
*Is faithful even when frightened. *Symbolizes Rescue.
Jesus Asked The disciples to bring him A donkey and her colt. Which means her young male Offspring. Think of how frightened. That young one Must have been as the people. Throw their cloaks And palm branches In his way!😱 The people were shouting “Hosanna,!’ which means
” save us now’.
They didn’t understand That the Israel king they were expecting To save them from the Roman oppression Was a king With the mission to save them from their sins. ! They were looking for a lion but got a lamb. Today people are looking for a lamb and getting a lion.
They looked for a lion of the tribe of Judah, but got a Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. People wanted a powerful ‘ Air Force1 Jesus ” who would keep them safe and secure from Roman oppressors.
But they got a “donkey Jesus” ., a humble king. Who was to be a rescuer of all mankind. A few days later, these same people. would be. Yelling. And commanding. His crucifixion. Jesus was carrying the weight of the wrath of God and the sins of the whole world In order to give us eternal life.
The donkey had to carry the carrier Of that tremendously burdensome Weight. So can we be a donkey?
Jesus was the rescuer. But the donkey was the tool that carried him into the crowds that were going to kill him.
In Numbers:. 22. The wrath of God was on the prophet Balem Who disobeyed God. Balaam
was riding His faithful donkey. Who saw God’s angels of destruction up ahead. Balum beat the
donkey trying to get The (stubborn but faithful )Donkey Into submitting to go forward. Then God
used the donkey’s mouth to speak: ‘What have I done to you That you struck me three
times.?'(can you hear God saying this to us disobedient disciples?) “Haven’t I been a good
donkey all of your life? “Then Baelum, seeing The Angels that would have killed him,fell on his
face. Repenting. Saying “I’m sorry”. The donkey bore Balem’s wounds And curse so Baelum
would live. Christ’s forgiveness Is A symbol of rescue. As is a donkey. In Genesis 49. 10. Jacob
blessed. His twelve sons. One,Judah,With royal descendants. A king with a donkey who will
wash his garments in blood was promised. A Harvest with no room to tie a donkey to a vine.
With the jaw bone of a donkey,1000 Philistines were slain. In 1Samuel 25. Abigail saved Her
husband Nabal’s life by a donkey. After Nabal’s deathShe rode A donkey To marry King David.
David,DyingPlaced His son, the future King Solomon, on a donkey. Donkeys were not a sign of
power, but strength., hard work, humility. They are not ridden. In order to impress or to be
glamorous. Will you Be a donkey?
Will you be a beast of burden? Steady under stress. Faithful, even when frightened. Carrying
heavy burdens Of the world Without complaining. To carry The rescuer,Jesus. To save lives. A
Jerusalem donkey bears the sign of a cross Running down its back and across its shoulders.
The Bible first mentions a donkey in Genesis. 22. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son,
Isaac. The King James version. Calls. The donkey. An .
The donkey Was saddled With The wood to be used To burn the sacrifice. Abraham left With A few Servants Isaac And the donkey. On the third day. He left The men And the donkey At The Base Of Mt.Mariah. Where the temple Would later be built. The place Was called Jehovah Jirah “God the provider.”. This Mount Moriah Is now Jerusalem, a city With Cavalry outside its walls. This same place Where Jesus later rides Up On his donkey To his triumphal entry. Abraham Tells the servants. “Me and the boy are going up to worship.” Worship means sacrifice and humility. Up on the Mount ,God Does provide a ram to save Isaac. God provides the Lamb of God To save all of us. As a messenger, I encourage all believers To be a donkey,a beast of burden. Carry This message of The redeeming savior That God provided. Now &♾️forever a donkey or (KJ version) a for Jesus Christ my👑KING
Joining with me & Jesus in the FULLMESSAGE OF LIFE & LIFE
ABUNDANTLY is Herbie Newell of USA’s largest Evangelical adoption agency:
From the very beginning, Jesus is King. He is the Author,
Creator, and Sustainer of life. Jesus has always been the light of the World, but King Jesus is
not like the dictators or the self-exalting power broker leaders of today. Our Savior is a humble,
servant King.
Jesus emptied Himself for us. He laid aside His privileges and came as a bond-servant to serve
man. Jesus was humbled on the cross and met the ultimate humiliation in His death. He
accepted death humbly yet defeated it victoriously. The example of Christ should fuel us to be
humble, sacrificial servants towards our family, our neighbors, the orphan, and the vulnerable,
because even in the exaltation of Jesus, He remains the model of loving service to God.
Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, we are humbled that Jesus came to suffer like us. He
humbled himself in the likeness of man. He became a baby — dependent and needy. He lost
greatly for our sake. However, not only did Jesus come to experience our pain, He came to bear
our punishment and to die in our place so that He could free us from slavery and sin. Our true
hope is not found only in the cross, but in the empty tomb. Jesus’ victorious resurrection seals
our hope and righteous standing before our Holy God.
The Apostle Paul celebrated the resurrected life in Christ with this metaphor in Romans 8:15:
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the
Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’” (ESV).
Every life matters to the Lord, so much so that God gave His one and only Son to adopt us and
give us the privilege of calling the God of the universe “father.” We have been so lavished in
love by God our Father through adoption as sons, so we in turn show that same love to
vulnerable women and children and orphans around us by caring for them physically in their
need, while not neglecting to make the Gospel known in word and deed.
For every other great leader in the world, death ended their mission, leadership, and calling. On
the contrary, Jesus’ mission was to die — to die for the sins of the world and to give His life as a
ransom to free us.
Jesus came to love and to show us what real love is all about. According to Jesus, to become
great, you must become a servant. To be first, you must become last. Leading by love and
sacrificing yourself for the sake of others, is how Jesus taught us to live.
Rightly, Easter brings reflection as we explore the depths of the Gospel as revealed with the
completion of Christ’s earthly mission. In the resurrection, we are led to understand the power
and authority of Jesus to restore that which is broken by sin and to, as Sally Lloyd-Jones has so
aptly penned, “to make everything sad come untrue.”
One evil that we have seen become a little closer to untrue since last Easter is the almost
unfettered entitlement to abortion in America. With the Dobbs decision last June, pre-born
American children are safer in their mother’s wombs than at any time in the last 50 years; yet
there is so much more for the Church to do.
While these little lives that Jesus died for are safer entering the world today, they are now
incredibly vulnerable in the world. We celebrate their lives and acknowledge that their safe birth
is not the end of our care. It is the responsibility of the Body of Christ to stand in the gap for
those children and their birth parents.
For some children and their birth parents, placing a child for adoption is in everyone’s best
interest. At Easter more than ever, we see the necessity and benefit of adoption.
By swallowing death up in life, Jesus did everything necessary to provide for those of us outside
the family of God to be brought in as sons and heirs of the Most High. The miracle of Easter
paves the way for our adoption into the family of God.
Admittedly, adoption is not a Gospel theme often associated with Easter directly, but I wonder
What more fully encapsulates what Jesus died and rose for than our Heavenly adoption
decree? And so, I think it is fitting this Easter to ponder the place of adoption in the Church and
in our world right now.
On this first Easter following the U.S. Supreme Court’s seismic decision to overturn 50 years of
practically unfettered access to abortion, we need to be more ready than ever to follow the
example of our Savior to step out of our comfort and mirror God’s adopting grace by becoming
forever family to children born into difficulty and distress.
In adoption, we present a picture of the Gospel to a world in need of hope, and we do important
work given to us by our Father. God is a “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is
God in his holy habitation. God sets the solitary in a home” (Ps 68:5-6a).
As the Church and God’s adopted children, we cannot simply rejoice over the reversal of Roe v.
Wade, but we must be spurred to action to love the orphan, the single mom, the woman who
made an adoption plan, the family who has lost their children to the foster care system, and
those image bearers with a special need or disability. We must expand our focus on issues of
life to have a whole-life message and show the world that we love pregnant women as much as
we love their children, and trust that little by little the Spirit will draw more people to listen to our
full message of life. When we are waiting on the other end of the maternity ward to embrace a
single mom and her child, that is the moment we begin to show with our lives and actions how
much we truly value life.
Please do not miss it: all these actions are not merely occasions to deal with earthly distress.
They all make great opportunities for Gospel proclamation because when we love life tangibly,
we receive extraordinary opportunities to speak of the greatest pro-life advocate, Jesus, the
One who gave His life so that we could have abundant life.
We reflect on the fact that we have a Savior who humbled himself to serve. Out of our love for
Christ, we are compelled to love others sacrificially. We enter into the messy, the broken, and
the beauty of adoption, foster care, and orphan care because we are now ambassadors of
Christ. We now live with the same mind as Christ – having the same love, being in full accord
and of one mind, doing nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility counting others
more significant than ourselves. We look not only to our own interests, but also now to the
interests of others including the orphan, the vulnerable child, the single mom, and the broken
This Easter, may we, as the adopted children of God, let the sacrificial nature of Christ thrust us
into denying ourselves, taking up our Cross, and following Jesus into the redeeming work of
manifesting the Gospel to the least of these.
Herbie Newell is the President of Lifeline Children’s Services, the largest Evangelical Christian
adoption agency in the United States. The organization serves vulnerable children and families
through private domestic and international adoption, family restoration, and pregnancy
counseling. Herbie is also the author of Image Bearers: Shifting from Pro-Birth to Pro-Life.
THE EASTER MESSAGE OF LIFE TRIUMPHANT OVER DARKEST HOURS & DEATH , can even be heard from these 6 USA Presidents facing darkest challenging times: [4/6, 11:42] Dr. Mary Campilii: Not long after being sworn in as president of the United States and a few weeks after surviving a failed assassination attempt, Ronald Reagan issued a statement in celebration of both Easter and Passover. “Passover is rich with tradition and symbolism. Its observance reminds us that the fight for freedom and the battle against oppression, waged by Jews throughout their history, is one of which all free people are a part,” stated Reagan. “Beginning today and culminating on Sunday morning, Christians will celebrate with their families the resurrection of Christ, His victory over death. We will remember that He gave His body and His blood — washing clean the faults and the shortcomings of the world. In our rejoicing, we will renew the hope that is ours through the risen Lord.”
A few months after the famous Blizzard of ’96 dumped 1 to 2 feet of snow over much of the Eastern United States, President Bill Clinton issued a message on observing Easter, noting that “the Resurrection of Jesus” is the “central event” of Christianity. “This holy day marks that moment in time when good conquered evil, hope overcame despair, and life triumphed over death,” Clinton said. “Just as spring brings warmth and beauty to the earth after a harsh winter, Easter brings joy and new life to the spirit, reminding us that no mistake or failing of the past can put us beyond the reach of God’s mercy.” A Message from The Christian Post Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone The Christian Post refuses to capitulate on our biblical standards of truth despite big tech censorship. Help us continue speaking biblical truth, always in love, and always to inform our readers to the best of our abilities. Support Now Clinton went on to note that “Easter’s timeless message strengthens us for the tasks before us” and that “we remember that our lives have great purpose and value.”
President George W. Bush issued an Easter message that called the observance “the most important event of the Christian faith.” “For Christians, the life and death of Jesus are the ultimate expressions of love, and the supreme demonstrations of God’s mercy, faithfulness and redemption,” stated Bush. “Since Christ’s miraculous Resurrection on Easter, more than 2,000 years ago, Christians have expressed joy and gratitude for this wondrous sacrifice and for God’s promise of freedom for the oppressed, healing for the brokenhearted, and salvation.” A Message from The Christian Post Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone The Christian Post refuses to capitulate on our biblical standards of truth despite big tech censorship. Help us continue speaking biblical truth, always in love, and always to inform our readers to the best of our abilities. Support Now Issued about a month after the United States led a coalition of nations to invade Iraq and topple the Saddam Hussein regime, Bush noted that while “this year’s observance comes at a time when our world faces many challenges, the message of Easter remains unchanged.”
In 2016, during his last full year in office, President Barack Obama released an Easter statement in which he noted that he and his wife “join our fellow Christians in observing Good Friday and celebrating Easter this weekend.” “This is a time to remember the sacrifices made for us and hold all who suffer close to our hearts,” stated Obama. “Yet it is also a time to rejoice, give thanks for the Resurrection, and unite with Christians around the world in proclaiming, ‘Christ has risen; He has risen indeed.” We wish all who celebrate a blessed and joyful Easter.”
As the nation locked down in response to COVID-19, President Donald Trump issued an Easter message, noting that “this year’s observance of Easter comes during a somber time for our Nation.” “As our Nation has faced the unique challenges posed by the coronavirus during the past few weeks, we have turned to God for guidance, comfort, and hope. Throughout this difficult period, we have witnessed the core tenets of Christianity—love, compassion, and kindness—reflected in the many acts of courage, generosity, and caring of the American people,” Trump said. “No matter the circumstances, we will always celebrate Easter as a time of rejuvenation, rebirth, and a renewed sense of purpose and faith. The coronavirus will not stop Easter. Even in the darkest hours, God’s abundant love and mercy are unwavering.”
Last year, President Joe Biden released a statement on Easter in which the current commander-in-chief noted that “Holy Week has taken us on a journey from sorrow to salvation.” “As we reflect today on Christ’s Resurrection, we are reminded that with faith, hope, and love — even death can be defeated,” stated Biden. “And, as we emerge from this pandemic, we are grateful that so many are able to celebrate this day of joy and renewal with services and family gatherings in person and together again.” A Message from The Christian Post Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone The Christian Post refuses to capitulate on our biblical standards of truth despite big tech censorship. Help us continue speaking biblical truth, always in love, and always to inform our readers to the best of our abilities. Support Now Biden went on to state that he sought “a common hope for the future, reaffirm love and compassion for one another, and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities.”
These Presidents & politicians are men. Not to be admired because by far,they lack the HOLINESS of my leader ,Jesus Christ. Of course, by far, they lack the degree of love of Jesus. They did have world leadership qualities ,ambition & momentum though. We can measure where they aspired to & “I judge everything through the Father” statement of Our Lord Jesus in order to judge ourselves! We don’t need to aspire to be leaders of the kingdoms of the world but we are all called much higher. We all must be leaders in the Kingdom of God while we are on earth. For that, we do have to be in the image & likeness of Our Father who is holy. We can only accomplish this through death. Death to ourselves ( I doubt any world leader is) and ALIVE IN CHRIST😇
As we aspire to advance the Kingdom of God, it is good to keep posted on🌍CHRISTIAN events CHRISTIAN POST has a🆓email subscription; The good,bad & ugly will be posted We can be watchmen on the🧱🧱🧱wall 600 children molested by ONE CITY Catholic diocese😱😱😱 Again,man made constructs may have some good ( ex: Catholic hospitals, charity,etc..) but weigh the harm by sexual misconduct…same as with Putin,Trump, etc…
🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓 Resources by Assemblies of God “BIBLE ENGAGEMENT PROJECT’ New App supplies🆓Bible study samples for all age groups.: Email them Tell them Pastor Mary Campilii of Joshua’s Home Inc & Missionaries Eternally Corps referred you. You are all looking for support from me .Reward a prophet & get a Prophet’s reward!💞🧤🤝 [4/9, 11:49 AM] Dr. Mary Campilii: John was ” the one Jesus loved” ( as he wrote John,was he being humble to not name himself or was he being prideful that he was the ONE Jesus loved?)
This same Mary & her sister Martha told Jesus ” Lazarus, the one you love has died” . Jesus,waited 2 days before making the 2 day journey. 4 days of rotting in the grave would give God all that much glory at RESURRECTION & with the intent they will SEE & *BELIEVE However, that still did not recognize/know Him ( the scriptures! )
The disciples❓questioned❓why would Jesus want to return to Judea where a couple days
before, they had attempted to stone him to death❓Besides, Jesus, you told us Lazarus is not
well &sleeping. Sleeping will make him better.! Why do you want to wake him⁉️
Jesus had just told them men that stumble have no *LIGHT*( Jesus is the light of the world)
Jesus told Martha Lazarus will rise again. Martha answered back that she believed he will rise
Jesus groaned .Jesus wept😭. Jesus had been with them so long & yet had to TELL her who he
Don’t you *BELIEVE* this❓❓❓
Martha had already accused Him if he had been there,Lazarus would not have died. Now, she
informed Mary Jesus is in town. Mary rubs to meet Him . The Jews assume she is running to the
grave to weep &❓questioned if Jesus opened eyes f the blind,why couldn’t caused
Lazarus,”the one he loved” not to die❓⁉️
Jesus groaned. Jesus wept😭
Jesus seeing Mary weeping also accusing ‘ if you had been here , Lazarus would not have died”
‼️ Jesus groaned in the spirit. Jesus wept😭
Proud to show Jesus #1.where they laid him #2.had no belief in His RESURRECTION POWER
Jesus groaned. Jesus wept😭
Groaning & weeping again when Martha, who He had just said ” Just BELIEVE & SEE the GLORY OF GOD” ‼️ Martha had said she believed He was the Christ . But it was evidently not
true when Jesus ordered the stone taken away. Martha exclaimed ‼️ he will be stinking because
he has been dead 4 days ‼️
Jesus groaned. Jesus wept😭
Jesus called forth dead Lazarus ( with face bound with a napkin🤕) so the people standing by
Him ( ha!😞) would believe HE WAS WHO HE HAD BEEN SAYING HE IS ‼️
Have you ever crowned and wept in the spirit because people closest to you don’t believe who
you say you are❓❓❓❓❓❓It was so with your Master too ‼️‼️‼️‼️
Dr. Mary Campilii