March 20, 2024

I Want to Be Your BODY

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I am going to speak to all the pastors today about your lives’ journey, the meaning of your life journey, the purpose of your life’s journey, the destination of your life’s journey and, if you have not been a success, if you have not succeeded in arriving where Our Father intended the destination to be , it is my prayer to have you finally arrive this very hour! For many of you, this is 1st going to require repentance, “metanoia”. Rethink what your sins ( your falling short of God’s meaning of success or falling short of His Glory) is doing to God and God will rethink what He is doing to you. I am bringing you the Transformer’s mission and if a transformation has not taken place in your heart and mind, I have not delivered you and this meeting is worth nothing to My Master,my Employer. I am going to bring you into the greatest awareness, an inspired understanding, an enlightened truth of our Father’s Redemption story. I’m going to speak about the disease of the future and its remedy or prescription. I’m going to spell out the problems resulting from the Faithlessness problem.

The problem of the Nations will be identified. Pastors, you will be given The key to unlocking your calling, the vocation of serving others. You will be given flight lessons on how to fly like an eagle. I will define the passion that you should operate under and the banner that is over all.The key note message of Jesus which was The resounding Kingdom message of ” I want to be your body” will be emphasized to you. Who the King is, who the servants are, the rules of the Kingdom, the problem with authority and resistance of authority. You will be handed the keys of the Kingdom,, the key to be successful in God’s house. Who the gatekeeper is,, who the caregiver of the garden is, what is planted in the garden, who are the true students learning lessons from, and being disciplined by, the King. What would lead to division of the kingdom ( or distraction) of the citizens, who your employer is, how to enter heaven, what the key is to entering heaven and what the strongest thing in the world is.

Life’s journey! Oh! What meaning can we make of all the pitfalls,, wrong choices, pressures, heartbreaks and suffering that results from wrong choices? Thanks be to the unending mercies and grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.. our real life story did not have to sit down for ending but rather, was given the choice to stand up for a new beginning & be made to fit it into His redemption story. All of our ashes can be collected then to create a strong legacy for future generations that will make a difference in a hundred years. If the journey collectively can be viewed as making a living, then we had not succeeded in making a life. Jesus gave us a way to make a life, not necessarily a way to make a living. Combine making a living while also living in the way, ( Jesus being known as the Only way”), we can lead people both old & young future generations to live empowered lives. Lives worth living that is. It took going through hell for us to understand spiritual warfare

Immorality destroys our identity in Christ who is saying ” I want to be your body”. Immorality is the enemy to your destiny, immortality ( eternity) , and your inheritance territory of heaven on earth. Choose to follow the sin nature and you die. Choose to follow the Spirit of holiness and live. Live the life Our Creator intended. The goal of grace is righteousness / resurrected life in Christ. This takes the power of God pumping through your heart. Do you know “God” means heart strength? Not a hard heart which is a heart set on rebelling. But a man who is after God’s own heart. Who has journeyed with the soul desire to know the depths of God can reach the super natural level. Such a heart has received a heart transplant, replaced with Jesus’s very heart. Our hearts that took so many rejections, beatings, attacks and bleeding. Our hearts that could have suffered fatalities… find a birthing room to be reborn. Quantum healing. Healing with clarity. Transformational breakthrough to a Holy life. Escape from corruption and partake in prosperous divine life! Redeemed and restored to our original state. Delivered to a sound mind when the stimulus we received was enough to drive us out of our minds. God’s will always builds stronger in the EXERCISE of God’s will over our life. A stimulus always prompts a response. When we respond wrong by choice, which comes when will power is not strong, results include anxiety/disease/ mental torment. Instead, we became ONE soul submitted to God. Our character is shaped by our practice of how we responded rightly to God.

I told you in the beginning that I was going to talk to you about your life journey, the meaning of your life journey, the purpose of your life journey, the destination of your life’s journey, your success and arriving where the father desires.Please Allow my life’s journey to teach you by example. Because it was Out of my greatest despair, my greatest test of my faith ,like Patriarch of old, Abraham’s when he was asked to sacrifice his promised son, came my greatest awareness, inspired understanding & enlightened truth regarding the parables Jesus spoke in regarding such issues of faith. A faith that is overcome by the world by the world overcomes the world. Faith is a womb a baby is in.

In a fleshly mother’s womb, a baby must live in water but to live on earth, the baby must breathe air so it is necessary to shock the baby into taking its 1st life sustaining breath. Metaphorically, I’m speaking of the breath of life, the infilling of the Holy Spirit that must resuscitate you after a shock that otherwise would kill you. Your journey’s purpose is to get the flesh out of the way. I hear Jesus saying” I want to be your body.” So success in your life then is Christ in you. Church is the journey but church is not your destination. So let’s clean house ” clean heart. Create in them a clean heart Oh Lord! Rethink what your falling short of the glory of God is}} doing to all nations of perishing souls. God does not want to punish you but wants to give you another chance to get right. I serve a God of” heart strength “and righteous purpose. I was where you are now but a supernatural encounter with Our Father catapulted me into the Kingdom of God, which the Bible describes as power, not church buildings you enter or religions you join. The event…..Hanna rep. Grace. Give me a man child less I die. Everything. you thought you lost is only temporary. God gives you back greater. All things might not be orchestrated by God but are working out for good.

Jesus died for God’s will to be done on earth. Jesus is a transformer, as we are. Transformer’s mission is God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ” I can’t s” transform into ” I cans” ! Just as we believe the Patriarchs appeared in Holy Spirit on the Mt of transfiguration_ we we are to transform by breaking thru to a Holy life. From now on, approach prayers in belief you are already connected to Heaven’s resources. On Calvary, Jesus paid the price of restoring dominion over all created things. ( the dominion originally given Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ ” the Word” also tore the veil, giving us direct access to the Holy of holies. The veil That separates the heart : the spirit ( knowing God) holy of holies from the soul ( emotions waring). Represented by the outer of tabernacles. In Bible, God is likened to an eagle with an eagle’s view of planet earth. Eagles are likened to a coping mechanism biblically. So fly like an eagle now with clarity & insight ( at the heart / foundation) of success. . No chickens with their eyes focused on the ground are allowed in the kingdom. Without vision, people perish. If you are suffering poverty, make a clear decision that you are not going to live like this. Give your heart & mind opportunity to look within. Find the talents Father gave you because the vineyard owner is coming back to see what you did with them. If you just sat on them without multiplying them, you will be found as an unfaithful servant.

The purpose of your spiritual birth is to get the flesh out of the way. Christ in you is success! The purpose of your gifts is to change lives. A purposeful passion is the major ingredient in the recipe for living in clarity. A life worth living is one that inspires people to live in Jesus ( Jesus in them answers Jesus’s prayer “Father, may they b1 w you as I am 1 with you” ), in the Holy Spirit, in faith, gratitude and love for others. Resisting authority resists the head ( JC). The active choice of stripping off your flesh allows God to come thru us. The only way to a pure heart ( inner man) & more gifts is to be faithful and obedient. The key to be successful in entering the Kingdom of God. Hearts must display submission, not just service. To do everything the Bible says but with impure heart is still disobedience to righteous authority.

Authority is defined as established order. Anointing with no authority perishes. Authority of God Our Father can align the universe. Including homes ( fathers/mothers/children) and societies ( government / politicians/officials). Respect offices delegated by God. There r no independently anointed members of the body unless there is a head. Anointed people don’t have control over, but dominion over, the people. Take dominion over the earth or earth will you. Be controlled in God, not outside God.
Fathers responsibility is to provide intimacy. Intimacy is defined as: to become one ( know & Do my word). Father resolved to be everything out of His son. Reconciliation by blood to bring man back from depravity. JC hungers for power of intimacy w who worship in spirit & truth. Queen Ester learned how to worship the King in the presence of her enemies. You enter heaven when submit to God’s reign over flesh.Living in the spirit is liberty from sin. Your journeys purpose is to get flesh out of the way. Man’s original purpose( before walking away from the only one ( G’s) power , in self exaltation) ” stealing G’s glory) & desiring praises ( rebellion) was: take care of the Garden” East of Eden”(everywhere). Man was the gatekeeper to stop things not of God. Disciples must be 1st willing to leave self out. Could not move into Apostolic until one with Jesus spirit. Apostles heard the voice of Jesus say ” I want to be your body”. The cost all Leaders of God’s pay. is life. They go thru hell 1st b4 anointing outweighs life itself! . Trees of righteousness consistently growing in him.
Joshua was chosen because he had the heart of a servant. People who hold office have no choice but to bring more service to the Kingdom. When there is a Lack of leader’s impact, it is due to poor service. Therefore, stuck! Chase things & watch wrath. Remember you enter Heaven when you are submitted to God’s reign over flesh. JC is the only way into heaven. There is a hole in your heart when Jesus is not enough & you try to fill it with other things. ” I’m willing” to live in the heart of giving,( the same heart of Father’s) . You can not live self centered with a ” do not disturb sign” written on your heart.

Irresponsibility is the root problem in this generation preventing inheritance. Live on earth as you would in heaven. Keep heaven & eternity in mind. Eternity is planted in the heart of mankind. Stairway to heaven is Jesus. Yoke yourself with Jesus and rest from thinking you can do it yourself.. The disease of the future is the fight of the soul. Hatred of self is demonic. Prescription is Forgiveness. Antidote to sin is LOVE. The strongest thing in the world is love.

Dr. Mary Campilii
